Crockpot Applesauce In The Classroom (Perfect for Johnny Appleseed Day)

Each year I get to share my birthday with Johnny Appleseed. Johnny Appleseed Day is September 26th. My kindergarten class completes a large amount of apple activities in the classroom on September 26th, and by the end of the day I am literally too exhausted to have a birthday celebration of my own. One of my favorite Johnny Appleseed activities is cooking crockpot applesauce. The kids help me with this recipe in the morning, and then we eat it in the afternoon. (It takes a few hours to cook in the crockpot). I am sharing this simple recipe with you. Enjoy!
Crockpot Applesauce Recipe

I hope you have time to give this recipe a try this September. I also hope that you enjoy the apple themed freebie that I am sharing with you.

You might also like my apple math and literacy printables. Check them out!


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Crystal McGinnis

First Day of Kindergarten

The first day of school is almost here, and it is very important to have everything ready to go (ESPECIALLY IN KINDERGARTEN) so that your day goes smoothly. For some reason, I always seem to over plan my first day and NEVER get to everything that I had anticipated. Here are a few first day of school activity ideas that I incorporate into my classroom. Enjoy!

The Days Following the First Day

As much as I would like to squeeze everything into the first day of school, I am a realist and it is not happening! Here are a few of the activities that I use after the first day of school. I usually stretch these activities out during the first few weeks.

This is a lot like my school rules pocket chart, but it focuses on bathroom behavior. Oh my....kinders really need multiple lessons on bathroom behavior. We will use this whole group as a daily reminder.

We use this question of the day pocket chart to get to know each other. The first question we use helps us talk about lunch routines. The kiddos place their name beneath lunch from home or school lunch. There are several questions that go with this set. I change the question each morning.

Back to School Basics
This set of activities are perfect for those first few weeks. Your kiddos will practice cutting, number formation, letter formation, color words, and more.

You might also like my "Back to School Basics" for the first few weeks of Kindergarten. Thanks for checking it out here!

Enter our prize giveaway below. You have a chance to win a 50 dollar TPT gift certificate.

Good luck!
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Crystal McGinnis

Spring Animals (Frogs, Chickens, and Rabbits)

Spring is here! My kindergarten class has been learning about Spring animals. So far we have studied rabbits, chickens, ducks, and frogs. If you are looking for some Spring animal activity ideas for your classroom, check these out! Most of the time I try to tie science into my reading and writing block, so you will find multiple ways that I do this in the pictures below.

While reading nonfiction stories, we created a class can-have-are chart as shown above. My kids had a chart of their own to create, as we created the class chart together.

My sight word of the week this week was the word "does." I wrote this quick song to use as a shared reading that incorporates both my sight word and frogs. I also typed a copy for my kids to use on their clipboards as we read it. We highlighted the word does, sang the song a few times, and then placed these in our book boxes.

 I found a low level nonfiction book that shows the life cycle of a frog. I copied the pages of the book and gave them to the students. They created a flow chart of the life cycle of a frog with the pages. They had to read the pages and put them in order. I modeled this first.

My kids read this life cycle of a frog book with me in small groups. It was written to read like "brown bear, brown bear." You can get if FREE by clicking this link. Click here to get it!

We wrote a nonfiction piece about frogs. I used a directed drawing to guide them.

 I used these frogs on a log to practice subtraction. I modeled the frogs hopping off of the log and we wrote subtraction number sentences to match.

We created this frog craft. When it is complete it has the life cycle of a frog on the front. Click this link to get my frog craft.

 We looked at real tadpoles.

We created life cycle of a frog hats. Click here to get the hat.

We read a frog reading passage and drew a picture to check comprehension.
We learned about the life cycle of a chicken We created this flow chart diagram.

We created a chicken anchor chart.

We wrote about the life cycle of a chick. We added sound words to our writing.

We created these cute little chicks. Get the chick pattern here!

We read about chickens and filled in words that would make sense.

We took a "do you like to eat chicken?" survey.
We wrote about bunnies. Get the FREE pattern here.

We created these cute "duck bunnies." One side is a duck, and the other side is a bunny.

We cut up a weekly reader that gave us information about ducks. We wrote our own captions to match the pictures.
You might like this set to help with your instruction! Click here to see my chicken pack.


Crystal McGinnis