Do you have trouble getting your kids to study their spelling words? I am the mother to a first grader. This year was the first year that she has had spelling tests. I was really having trouble getting her to study her spelling words. She would make up any excuse that she could to get out of it. With that in mind, I created this set of activities hoping that I could get her to practice without the whining. This set could be used with any spelling or sight words. Here is what I came up with.
(I am also a Kindergarten teacher so this is how I will use these activities in my own classroom.)
Write It Fancy!
Take a q-tip and dip it in glue. Write you sight word with the glue. Pour glitter over the glue. Shake it off! Your sight word is now fancy! This is my daughter's favorite.
Sight Word Stamp
Students stamp their sight words using available stamps. I purchased mine through Lakeshore but they also have foam ones available at Oriental Trading.
Rainbow Write Your Sight Words
Students write their sight words using a different color for each letter.
Q-Tip Painting
Students use q-tips and paint their sight words in the boxes.
Color Your Sight Word
Students write their sight words using a different color each time. This will also help students learn how to read their color words.
Play-Doh Sight Words
Students build each of their sight words with Play-doh. After building the sight word, students write the sight words on the provided recording sheet. (I use recording sheets so that my students are held accountable.)
Sight Word Bingo
Students play a normal game of bingo. I have my students write in the sight words to help with memorization.
Sight Word Book Hunt
Students look through books looking for their sight words. Once found, students write their sight word in a circle along with the page number where it can be found. This activity works better with the common sight words that can be found in most books.
Sight Word Race
Students roll the dice. Students write their new sight words the amount of times that equals the number on the dice. Students race a partner to see who finishes first.
Pencil, Crayon, and Pen
Students write each of their sight words using pencil, then crayon, then pen.
Sight Word Race Against the Timer
Students flip over a timer and write their sight word or words as many times as they can before the timer runs out.
Sight Word Vowel Hunt
Students write their sight words and then use a crayon to circle the vowels.
Sight Word Write and Tally
Students write each of their sight words and then tally how many letters are in the sight word.

All of the printables above are included in this little packet that is available in my tpt store. Enjoy!
Just what I was looking for! I am headed to TpT now to get my own set. Thank you! :)
The Chalkboard Garden